Charlotte Veggie

6 Month Anniversary & Best of 2015

With today being the last day of 2015 and yesterday marking the 6 month anniversary of launching Charlotte Veggie, I want to say THANK YOU for reading and supporting. Like most big projects that we approach with a lot of drive and determination, there is often at least a small element of surprise in just how immense the work ends up being. Holding my index finger and thumb just slightly apart, I have demonstrated and said a few times to family and friends that I had about an inch of room in my life to add something else to do and as I spread my arms wide, I said and this is how enormous it has been. I did stress and sweat and question and struggle at times. But then I stepped back. I looked at my life and plucked out both things and people that were fillers and not fulfilling. I reprioritzed and rearranged and refocused. It is always wondrous when your pursuits lead to learning experiences that are life changers and hence gifts. My eyes are open wider and my time is so much richer. (See my post Blogging, Priorities, & T.V. Dreams)


I started 2015 with a meeting with my friend Jen in January because I love love love her blog, Peanut Butter Runner, but she is also my favorite yoga teacher and just a grand source of life inspiration for me. What started out as seeking blog making advice led to deeper conversations and the development of a dear friendship. A couple of months later, I reached out for more help and insight and formed an invaluable Creative Team. The blog finally went live June 30!

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June 30 was the Welcome post. It was fun to read this little stats update that Jetpack put together. Seeing that there have been readers from 71 different countries was a cool reminder of the vast cyber reach and that there are so many appetites out there! It was an honor to be featured on Peanut Butter Runner, Life With Lucy, and Fox 46’s Good Day Charlotte morning show: 1st appearance and 2nd appearance.

Here are the food and recipes posts that got the most attention this year:
Crispy Cauliflower With Cashew Crema and I made this on Fox’s Good Day Charlotte here
And the top non-recipe posts of 2015:

My personal resolutions for 2016 are to do less, sleep more, and be more present and mindful. To choose quality over quantity, and relationships and rest over number of accomplishments. HAVE A WONDERFUL, SAFE NEW YEAR’S EVE AND I WILL SEE YOU IN 2016!


In the blogging world, it really helps when posts are clicked and viewed as well as the number of subscribers. I kindly ask you to help me continue to grow my site by subscribing with your email and whether through email or Facebook, opening the posts, commenting, and sharing. It will help me provide better content, continue to learn, make the site more recognizable to Google and in turn help to move up in search engine hits.

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