Charlotte Veggie

Roasted Maple Rosemary Carrot Fries


It is common opinion that fries are extraordinary. Made around the world, containing few ingredients, and dressed up gourmet or just salted, ranging in budget, suitable to all diets, this universally friendly easy to eat food is everything you could ever want.


Every fall, I can’t resist buying “The Organic Carrots Of Many Colors” at Trader Joe’s. Compared to the usual all orange bag of organic carrots that are $0.79, these are a splurge at about $3.00.


As much as the different colors are pleasing to the eye, I wish I could just buy the purple ones 🙂 .


I admit nothing beats the original white potato, but let’s face it; any starchy root vegetable in fry form is delish.


I found that incorporating the herb and spices right into the liquid ingredients made an amazing infusion which spread better throughout the carrots. The touch of maple syrup did not add an additional sweetness but rather balanced out the sea salt, strong aroma of the rosemary, and the smokiness of the paprika and black pepper. The olive oil paired well with the rosemary and the coconut oil with the maple syrup.


I love this huge bowl from Costco for tossing salads and coating veggies!


You can easily substitute potatoes, sweet potatoes, parsnips as well as the herbs and spices in this recipe with thyme, oregano, or cumin.


Roasted Maple Rosemary Carrot Fries

Charlotte Veggie


Serves 4-5



10 carrots, pealed or unpealed cut into preferred fry shape and size (mine were approximately 3-4 inches long and 1/2 inch wide)

1 tbsp pure maple syrup

1 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp coconut oil

1 tbsp fresh snipped(releases oil and more flavor) rosemary (and/or other woody herb of choice such as oregano or thyme which compliment naturally sweet root vegetables and hold up to high heat baking)

1/2 tsp paprika

1/2 tsp sea salt

1/4 tsp black pepper (can reduce if needed)



Preheat oven to 425 degrees and lightly grease or line a large cookie sheet with parchment paper.

Prepare carrots and set aside.

In a large bowl, whisk together syrup, oils, spices, and herb(s).

Toss in carrots to coat.

Spread in as single a layer as possible on cookie sheet.

Bake for 25-30 minutes turning halfway through if possible.


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