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Marbled Banana Bread

Marbled Banana Bread

  Something I really enjoy doing when we have overnight guests is getting up early and preparing something sweet to cook in the oven. As the goody bakes, it fills the house with a warm and welcoming aroma that everyone appreciates waking up too. Add a pot of hot coffee or tea and bam, just call [...]

Hunger Curbing Pre-Party Smoothie

Hunger Curbing Pre-Party Smoothie

This was my smoothie before a friend’s 40th birthday celebration last weekend. The danger for me was that the festivities were at one of my favorite Mexican restaurants and it requires great restraint to control my intake of chips and salsa! One of the added advantages as to why I drink green smoothies is that they [...]

Celebrating USA: Spinach Basil Dip & Couscous Salad

Celebrating USA: Spinach Basil Dip & Couscous Salad

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Charlotte Veggie