Sleepy Eyed School Morning Smoothie

Is anyone else finding it hard to get up and into the routine since school started? Smoothies are a great and efficient option for when you can barely butter the toast and the kids can barely pick it up and chew. Stick a straw into a tall glass of healthy sweet nutrients and the kids can keep their eyes closed while slurping it down!


My children very much approved this combination and I was happy to serve it to them at breakfast. Nutritious berries, refreshing pineapple, very light banana flavor, and the vanilla milk really makes this delightful.


Per serving, this smoothie contains: 170 calories, 9g fat, 16 carbs (9g sugar, 5g fiber), and 8g protein!

Sleepy Eyed School Morning Smoothie

Charlotte Veggie


Makes two 10 oz. servings


Blend the following:

2 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk

1/2 cup frozen pineapple

1 cup frozen mixed berries

1 banana

1/4 cup hemp seeds (also known as shelled hemp seeds or hemp hearts which)

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  • Melissa August 27, 2015, 2:16 pm

    My girls have been requesting smoothies for breakfast – going to try this recipe for sure!! 🙂

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