Charlotte Veggie


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Get Well Sooner Tips + Garlicky Kale, Herbed Veggies, & Spiced Rice

Get Well Sooner Tips + Garlicky Kale, Herbed Veggies, & Spiced Rice

What started out as an interest in eating :) and led to my love of cooking was then followed by my weight loss journey. Through books like The China Study, documentaries like Food, Inc. and Forks Over Knives, attending seminars, and following investigators like The Food Babe as well as physicians like Dr. Mercola and Dr. Weil as well as other [...]

Back To School Breakfast: Doughnuts!

Back To School Breakfast: Doughnuts!

Thank you for the big warm response on the Back to School: Lunch Box Ideas! That got me thinking of the first obstacle of the day – breakfast! The kids are often not hungry right away, still half asleep, and parents are trying to get anything into them before they leave. The school day is long [...]

Marbled Banana Bread

Marbled Banana Bread

  Something I really enjoy doing when we have overnight guests is getting up early and preparing something sweet to cook in the oven. As the goody bakes, it fills the house with a warm and welcoming aroma that everyone appreciates waking up too. Add a pot of hot coffee or tea and bam, just call [...]