Wild Blackberry Lemon Zest Scones (& the Glycemic Index)

I am going to get a little scientific first and discuss the glycemic index. Every food is designated a certain rating on a scale called the Glycemic Index (GI). This number (scale 0-100) correlates to the propensity a food has to raise your blood sugar. The faster and higher your blood sugar (glucose level) rises, the quicker you release insulin. Think of insulin as little gatekeepers that allow sugar into your cells. You need sugar and your cells use it for energy but it doesn’t take much so we often end up with a sugar surplus which we know causes weight gain, inflammation, mood swings, and feelings of low energy. Often times we believe we are eating healthy and avoiding sugar but not indulging in obvious sources such as dessert and candy. However, simple, and processed carbohydrates, which contain very little fiber (fiber slows down the absorption of sugar), can cause a similar effect. When counseling my patients or advising friends and family, I frequently debunk the myth that an unlimited intake of natural sugar is okay. For a brief but informative source, see this. Moving on.


I really start treasuring my Saturdays even more than usual during this time of year. Summer is halfway over and so is berry season. My children went wild blackberry picking with my parents last weekend. They returned with smaller, sweeter, juicier berries than the farmed counterpart.


One of my daughter’s favorite breakfast foods is scones and they are really very quick and easy to whip up. In the range of baked goods, they contain less sugar. I came up with this recipe using the below that would satisfy her craving, provide energy to start the day off right, but keep all of us from crashing.

  • Blackberries have a GI of 4 – For comparison, apples are around 40 and bananas 60.
  • Whole wheat pastry flour GI 13 – all purpose flour is 66
  • Coconut flour GI 3
  • Coconut sugar GI 35 – regular sugar 60

*Do keep in mind that the calories & carbohydrate content may not vary greatly but I rely on the quality of my calories as much as the quantity.


The lemon zest added a freshness and enhances the flavor of the blackberries.


The dough gathers well and does not require kneading.


I like dropping my scones onto a cookie sheet rather than cutting them into wedges. I’m all about ease!


They are like a biscuit, muffin, and cookie all in one!



Using whole grains, some coconut flour, sugar, & oil, real but less butter instead of shortening or butter substitutes, fiber and vitamin rich berries, you can feel good about making, eating, and serving these scones!


Wild Blackberry Lemon Zest Scones

Charlotte Veggie Original


Makes approximately 12-15 scones depending on size



2 cups whole wheat pastry flour

1/3 cup coconut flour

1/3 cup coconut sugar

About 2 tbsp more coconut sugar set aside for sprinkling on right before baking

1 tbsp baking powder

1/4 tsp salt

1 cup fresh blackberries

4 tbsp grass fed Irish butter (or any butter), diced while cold

2 tbsp coconut oil

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk (can use plain flavor or soy milk instead)

1 lemon’s zest



Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

1. Whisk together both flours, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl.

2. Scatter in diced, cold butter. Pinch butter throughout flour to make a coarse mixture.

3. Make a well in the center and pour in milk, vanilla, and oil. Mix just until dry ingredients are all moistened. I prefer to use a wooden spoon or rubber/silicone spatula for this.

4. Fold in blackberries and lemon zest.

5. Scoop out 1/4 – 1/3 cup of your doughy batter and drop onto a lightly coconut oiled cookie sheet or line with parchment paper. Top each with a sprinkle of sugar.

6. Bake 25 minutes, turn off oven, and remove cookie sheet 5 minutes later. Cool and serve.

Optional: Top your scone with a thin drizzle (1/4 tsp) of honey or pure maple syrup.

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