Charlotte Veggie


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Stove Top or Slow Cooker: Tuscan White Bean & Swiss Chard Soup Two Ways

Stove Top or Slow Cooker: Tuscan White Bean & Swiss Chard Soup Two Ways

I hope everyone is having a good holiday season enjoying good food, family, and friends! Pictured above is our Christmas Day dinner: Tuscan White Bean & Swiss Chard soup, decadent truffle macaroni and cheese, maple pecan Brussels sprouts, and a kale pomegranate garden salad. Over the last month, I have been trying really hard to focus on [...]



Welcome to my blog! My vision is to make this a place where you can access recipes, product recommendations, restaurant reviews, and more from the standpoint of an avid cook, healthy but gourmet food advocate, mother, wife, healthcare professional, and vegetarian. I want to help you feel good through food and help cooking be less daunting [...]

Clean Party Eats: Spiralized Sesame Slaw Salad & Truffle Sweet Potatoes

Clean Party Eats: Spiralized Sesame Slaw Salad & Truffle Sweet Potatoes

Happy new year! Who said the partying can’t continue with your resolutions? Check out how I entertained with tofu caprese, chickpea salad in endive boats, spiralized sesame slaw salad, cheese and crackers, polenta cakes, and roasted truffle white sweet potatoes. I’m starting my 2016 off with reseting back to more planned and cleaner eating again. There is [...]