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My Big Fat Greek Warm Orzo Bowl + Homemade Mediterranean Seasoning
January 12, 2016You guys. 2016 has barely begun and I’m knee deep in scurrying and scrambling and…well, wanting to stay warm. Between my lack of time, the kids’ love for pasta, and mine for a hearty soup, this 30 minute Greek influenced dish is a keeper. If I see a novelty product on sale, like this gluten [...]
Fast & Furious Ranch Dressing ‘n Dip
September 12, 2015There was a time when I had a 2 year old that had a picky palate only pacified by store bought ranch dressing. Oh how many foods he ate with the help of this popular American condiment. I tried to find the healthiest version that I could, either organic, lower in sodium, or with [...]
Where I Get Moving!
August 1, 2015This post focuses on where I live but I hope that it will entice you to find similar activities local to you! Charlotte offers a plethora of ways to get active at any fitness level no matter your time or financial constraints, individually, in groups, with or without children. There are lush, shaded greenways, paved [...]