Charlotte Veggie


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Roasted Vegetables 101

Roasted Vegetables 101

Roasted vegetables have become a staple in our household and swayed my children as well as myself to eat certain previous untouchables. Suddenly, thinly sliced eggplant makes for delicious, smoky chips and cauliflower tastes like popcorn. Broccoli is addictive and onions are less pungent. The natural moisture that evaporates in the oven brings out a sweeter, [...]

Dessert Or Breakfast ANY Fruit(s) Crisp

Dessert Or Breakfast ANY Fruit(s) Crisp

Listen to this – never again will you have to cut butter into flour and all that mess to make a fruit crisp. This one is made of dreams because it is time saving, calorie saving, sugar saving, dairy free, and gluten free AND still tastes like a traditional version. This is my hands down [...]

Blogging, Priorities, & T.V. Dreams

Blogging, Priorities, & T.V. Dreams

I feel like (and maybe you do too) that I haven’t posted a recipe in a while. On a new blog, a few days of not posting seems like a long time and not very smart from a developing readership standpoint. I started this site out of my love for cooking and eating and my advocacy [...]