Cleansing Smoothie

Given it is a holiday weekend, I thought I would provide you with a quick smoothie idea which can healthily curb your appetite while providing oodles of nutrients and some hydration before you partake in celebrating the 4th of July OR so you can start your morning off with it. Basically, this smoothie can either be invigorating before the retox or restoring for the detox! A cardiology colleague of mine who did not drink ANYthing other than water (no juices, sodas, alcohol or caffeine) became a believer in all my talk about green smoothies after trying them several times. It was pretty funny that he said “I feel juiced!” and apparently so much so that he invested in a Vitamix and makes them regularly. It has helped squeeze in a lot of nutrition efficiently while working long hours. That makes MY heart feel good. 🙂 In addition, our babysitter loves drinking them an hour before going for a run and one of my friends with multiple sclerosis swears green smoothies help alleviate her fatigue and reduce some of her pain flares when she has overdone it. These are just a few personal reports in addition to more scientific and objective ones out there. Calorie wise, this is light making it a good snack smoothie while not making you too full.


Cleansing Smoothie

Charlotte Veggie Original

GF, GRF, DF, (NF if you use seed butter)

Makes two 12 oz. servings (Each one approx. 100 calories, 13g carb including 4g fiber and 8g sugar, 4g fat, 3g protein as well as potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, calcium, iron)


Blend the following to desired consistency:

2 cups baby spinach or other greens

1 frozen fig (or 1 dried fig or 2 dried dates or 1/3 cup fresh or frozen pineapple and if you use dried or fresh, suggest a few ice cubes too)

1 Pink Lady or other type of apple (medium or large)

2 stalks celery, chopped

1/2 inch fresh ginger root (you could do 1/4 tsp ground ginger or 1/2 tsp cinnamon instead)

1 tbsp nut butter of choice – I used almond

1.5 cups water




{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Chris Bryan July 4, 2015, 12:39 am

    Thank you for creating such a perfect website for healthy living! The detail and information, down to the Dietary Key will show to be helpful for readers regardless of food background and knowledge!

    • Rajul Parekh July 4, 2015, 2:07 pm

      Thank you Chris for being the powerful encouragement behind this!

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