The Juicery

After a heavy meal at Gennaro’s in Boston’s Italian district, the North End, we decided to start the following morning with a brisk 3 mile walk. I was excited to spot The Juicery.

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I’m totally a visual person so I appreciated seeing all of the fresh produce in the open refrigerator.


It was hard to choose but I wanted the lightest, cleanest, greenest, least sweet option so I went with the Green Juice.


It was a refreshing mix of kale, parsley, cucumber, and celery.


It takes a lot more fruits/veggies to make a glass full of juice than a smoothie so two of us shared the 24 ounce size.


It wasn’t sweet at all but tasted balanced and pleasant to me.


I like what this company stands for and how it practices sustainable business practices.


They carry an assortment of fermented/kombucha/probiotic contain beverages, tonics, protein shakes, coconut water, and spring water as well.

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