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Pesto Everything: Raw, Nut-free & With/Without Garlic

Pesto Everything: Raw, Nut-free & With/Without Garlic

Pesto is a fresh and flavorful combination of a leafy green (think herb, arugula, spinach, etc.) + some type of nut (pine nuts, walnuts) + olive oil + sharp aged cheese (like parmesan) + garlic that can serve as an Italian sauce or spread. My basil plant is the only thing in my garden that I happen to [...]

Festive Savory Holiday Tart Featured on FOX & You Have To Laugh At Yourself

Festive Savory Holiday Tart Featured on FOX & You Have To Laugh At Yourself

This has been a fun and fulfilling food week! Yesterday, I had to plan, shop for, and make a holiday themed dish for Fox’s Good Day Charlotte show as well the event I mention towards the end of this post. They have a segment called “What’s Your Dish?” and it requires bringing in all of [...]

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Valentine’s Dinner: Charred Pepper Salad W/Eggplant Chips & Basil Cream, Butternut Soup, Cauliflower Steaks

Valentine’s Dinner: Charred Pepper Salad W/Eggplant Chips & Basil Cream, Butternut Soup, Cauliflower Steaks

With Valentine’s Day coming up this weekend, I wanted to provide you with a delicious homemade gourmet meal that is suitable for most diets out there (gluten free, grain free, can be dairy free) and pleasing to different tastebuds. Large thick slices of purple cauliflower make beautiful steaks, a warm smoky salad with light basil [...]

Charlotte Veggie