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Bright & Balanced Banana-less Green Smoothie
October 4, 2015If you are not a green smoothie novice, want something less sweet, but still very palatable, look no further. This blend is refreshing and full of immune boosting vitamin C. It feels detoxing, fatigue fighting, and is just plain satisfying after travel or a major sweat session! Bright & Balanced Banana-less Green Smoothie Charlotte Veggie Original DF, GF [...]
Weekend Vibes: Local Love & Ramen
August 7, 2015Hey hey it’s Fri-yay! I thought I would do a more social post to get you into weekend mode! Last night was a wonderful evening and just adds to why I love my town. Full of good ideas, new developments, and most of all, positive, hope-filled energy, Charlotte is always buzzing with charitable opportunities and [...]
Pumpkin Spiced Cupcakes With Pumpkin Cream Cheese Frosting
September 24, 2015If you’ve been to Trader Joe’s lately, you have seen that they are all about everything pumpkin under the sun! Incorporating the above 3 ingredients, I made the most amazing pumpkinlicious treat. Modifying a recipe I found, I created these moist, fluffy, decadent, but healthier homemade cupcakes. I omitted the chocolate chips, cut the sugar in [...]