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Spinach Feta Pan Fried Mediterranean Polenta Cakes & More

Spinach Feta Pan Fried Mediterranean Polenta Cakes & More

(Polenta cakes served with goat cheese, roasted veggies and hot sauce.) Polenta, which originated in Europe, is similar to grits as both are made from stoneground corn. The type of corn for each varies as does the coarser texture of the cornmeal used to make polenta. I consider polenta to be a great vessel for [...]

Brunch At Fern, Flavors From The Garden

Brunch At Fern, Flavors From The Garden

This month marks 10 years since I moved to Charlotte. I love it here more and more with each passing year. I am always exploring what is new, continuing my patronage at my favorite places, and really, expansion of all kinds has taken place over the last decade. I try not to think of the [...]

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Shortcut Asian Vegetable Basil Lo Mein

Shortcut Asian Vegetable Basil Lo Mein

As you may have read in my Get Well Sooner post last week, we had the go-round with colds last week. When the kids are sick, I try to balance what I want to get into them nutritionally with their diminished appetite as well as special requests. Because everyone deserves to be spoiled when under the [...]

Charlotte Veggie