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Natural Fresh Strawberry Cupcakes

Natural Fresh Strawberry Cupcakes

Oh strawberries. Juicy. Sweet. Plump. Beautifully red. Naturally heart shaped. Fun fact: I also recently learned that North Carolina is the #3 for harvesting the most strawberries in the United States. Personal fact: As much as I enjoy chocolate, I will always pick strawberry shortcake over a brownie sundae! These cupcakes do require some love [...]

Pecan Pumpkin Honey Oat Squares

Pecan Pumpkin Honey Oat Squares

Happy Halloween since it’s technically after midnight! I hope everyone has fun plans lined up today and if you don’t celebrate, may you have a wonderful Saturday. I was recipe testing earlier tonight and wanted to have the kids wake up to a healthy but still a treat on Halloween morning. See this post for [...]

Marbled Banana Bread

Marbled Banana Bread

  Something I really enjoy doing when we have overnight guests is getting up early and preparing something sweet to cook in the oven. As the goody bakes, it fills the house with a warm and welcoming aroma that everyone appreciates waking up too. Add a pot of hot coffee or tea and bam, just call [...]

Charlotte Veggie