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Stuffed Avocados With Chili Cashew Cream Inspired By Viva Chicken
September 1, 2015I bet you never expected to see the word chicken on this blog! And yes I cringe :). Viva Chicken Peruvian Rotisserie Joint is likely no place this vegetarian would have visited if it wasn’t for another vegetarian’s recommendation. I was pleasantly surprised at the options available for my dietary preference as well as the environmentally sound [...]
Hunger Curbing Pre-Party Smoothie
September 21, 2015This was my smoothie before a friend’s 40th birthday celebration last weekend. The danger for me was that the festivities were at one of my favorite Mexican restaurants and it requires great restraint to control my intake of chips and salsa! One of the added advantages as to why I drink green smoothies is that they [...]
Autumn Apples: Sweet & Spice & Everything Nice Smoothie
September 9, 2015Fall is just around the corner meaning the well priced bags of organic apples at Trader Joe’s are back! You can bet I snagged a few bags. I was standing in my kitchen doing my usual smoothie-for-the-next-day prep when I saw my overflowing basket of apples. Thoughts of apple pie followed. This smoothie is a bit sweeter [...]