Charlotte Veggie


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Welcome to my blog! My vision is to make this a place where you can access recipes, product recommendations, restaurant reviews, and more from the standpoint of an avid cook, healthy but gourmet food advocate, mother, wife, healthcare professional, and vegetarian. I want to help you feel good through food and help cooking be less daunting [...]

Slow Cooker: Smoky “Meaty” African Peanut Stew

Slow Cooker: Smoky “Meaty” African Peanut Stew

I had a West African Peanut Stew at a natural foods grocery store in Denver, CO a few years ago and it was so good. I think I forgot about it because I didn’t think I would ever find it again and recreating it didn’t even occur to me. One of the best parts of [...]

Taco Tuesday: 20 Minute Spinach Pinto Tacos With Avocado Lime Salsa

Taco Tuesday: 20 Minute Spinach Pinto Tacos With Avocado Lime Salsa

Preparing and eating various types of ethnic cuisine is a love of mine. Perhaps it is my automatic exclusion from animal products or my Indian background that has trained my palate to explore what others may regard as exotic flavors. Here is a quick Mexican meal where a little flair of lime and spice makes for [...]