Charlotte Veggie


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Happy Thanksgiving & Fall Recipe Reminders :)

Happy Thanksgiving & Fall Recipe Reminders :)

Wishing everyone a safe & happy Thanksgiving! I am very thankful for this space which all of you make possible. Thank you so much for taking interest in what I do, the support, feedback, & questions. I will see you all on here in a few days as I spend time being mindful and putting [...]

Thanksgiving Edition: Chimichurri Drizzled Sizzled Acorn Squash

Thanksgiving Edition: Chimichurri Drizzled Sizzled Acorn Squash

Thanksgiving is only about 10 days away! I plan on giving you ideas for healthy, tasty, plant based options to keep your tastebuds happy, keep the infammation down, your waistline slimmer, energy level more stable, and satisfy both vegetarian non-veg guests alike. Whether you call these fries or wedges or use them in as your next taco [...]

Pre-Thanksgiving:  Cran-apple Cinnamon Smoothie

Pre-Thanksgiving: Cran-apple Cinnamon Smoothie

Although cranberries come to mind in the fall, I appreciate using the frozen and dried form year round. As well as known benefits for the urinary system, cranberries tout antioxidants and I appreciate the tarter profile as well as low glycemic index. Even natural sugars can cause glucose overload and make smoothies high calorie as [...]