Charlotte Veggie


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Where I Get Moving!

Where I Get Moving!

This post focuses on where I live but I hope that it will entice you to find similar activities local to you! Charlotte offers a plethora of ways to get active at any fitness level no matter your time or financial constraints, individually, in groups, with or without children. There are lush, shaded greenways, paved [...]

Warm Moroccan Style Quinoa With Raw Zucchini Ribbon Salad

Warm Moroccan Style Quinoa With Raw Zucchini Ribbon Salad

We are loving the fall weather but sometimes it is hard to decide what to eat when temps have been wavering between 40s and 80s! I wanted something soft, spiced, and warming but also cold and crisp. That is how this dinner was born. While my quinoa cooked, I chopped up some vegetables and essentially made a curry. [...]

Spinach Feta Pan Fried Mediterranean Polenta Cakes & More

Spinach Feta Pan Fried Mediterranean Polenta Cakes & More

(Polenta cakes served with goat cheese, roasted veggies and hot sauce.) Polenta, which originated in Europe, is similar to grits as both are made from stoneground corn. The type of corn for each varies as does the coarser texture of the cornmeal used to make polenta. I consider polenta to be a great vessel for [...]