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Soul & Soreness Soothing: Yoga, Epsom Salts, Smoothie Bowls

Soul & Soreness Soothing: Yoga, Epsom Salts, Smoothie Bowls

I did a social and splurge shift between Thursday and Friday. I spent Thursday night indulging in ramen, and Friday I dared to participate in a yoga boot camp type workshop at Y2 Yoga. It was hard but many modifications were provided. Drenched is an understatement of how we all were at the end! I really enjoyed the [...]

Juice Bar CLT One Day Cleanse Winner!

Juice Bar CLT One Day Cleanse Winner!

Thank you to everyone who entered my first giveaway and for all of your fun, supportive, and informative comments. I used the Word Press Pick Giveaway Winner plugin. The randomly picked winner is Sarah Morgan. Congratulations Sarah! I will email you. Remember, you can still get a 10% discount on all of your purchases at Juice [...]

3 Freeing Grilling Recipes for the 4th of July

3 Freeing Grilling Recipes for the 4th of July

As much as I would love to live in my kitchen full time, I value time with people more than cooking! Back in 2011, I made the resolution that I would really try to spend time with my guests rather than tying myself up to food prep while everyone else mingled. So below you will [...]

Charlotte Veggie