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Roasted Vegetables 101
February 2, 2016Roasted vegetables have become a staple in our household and swayed my children as well as myself to eat certain previous untouchables. Suddenly, thinly sliced eggplant makes for delicious, smoky chips and cauliflower tastes like popcorn. Broccoli is addictive and onions are less pungent. The natural moisture that evaporates in the oven brings out a sweeter, [...]
Replenishing Apricot Green Smoothie
July 10, 2015I find joy in the abundance of fruits which are in season this time of year. I love all of the stone fruits but I am not as familiar with fresh apricots. They caught my daughter’s eye at the grocery store and into the cart they went. I like how the apricots ripened much faster [...]
Family Smoothies With Frozen Nectarines & Pumpkin Pie Spice
October 15, 2015Have you seen the bags of frozen sliced peaches and nectarines at Trader Joe’s? They are a nice change from my usual go-to ingredients. Sometimes I need just a little more sweetness and some tartness to complete what I’m blending into my smoothie. I made these two smoothies during my next-day prep last night and [...]