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Thanksgiving Edition: Thyme For Vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie

Thanksgiving Edition: Thyme For Vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie

Comfort in a big ole casserole. Herby, hearty, healthy, and more. A medley of colorful vegetables which I chose carefully to combine and they also cook at similar rates. I can’t stand biting into something that has varying spots of doneness. Do not be afraid to make these mashed potatoes and use real butter. A [...]

Fluffy Banana Cupcakes Topped With Chocolate Ganache And Caramelized Bananas

Fluffy Banana Cupcakes Topped With Chocolate Ganache And Caramelized Bananas

I heard about Chiquita hosting a recipe contest which ends tonight at midnight!  The winner will receive $2000. I would even be happy with a runner up mention. The requirements are to include bananas, cream cheese, and chocolate chips. I’ll be honest: Other than my oatmeal cranberry cookies, I am not a regular at making up baked [...]

Comfort After Chaos: Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Oregano Olio

Comfort After Chaos: Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Oregano Olio

Well hello there everyone and happy spring! I know I am returning after a long hiatus. Thank you for continuing to visit the site and to those of you who regularly reached out to ask when the next post will be! I’m not gonna lie; the last couple of months have been a tough road [...]

Charlotte Veggie