Charlotte Veggie


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3 Freeing Grilling Recipes for the 4th of July

3 Freeing Grilling Recipes for the 4th of July

As much as I would love to live in my kitchen full time, I value time with people more than cooking! Back in 2011, I made the resolution that I would really try to spend time with my guests rather than tying myself up to food prep while everyone else mingled. So below you will [...]

White Bean Pesto Hummus

White Bean Pesto Hummus

We have some rainy day blues going on here with a pretty empty fridge and pantry as well as a dead car battery. That’s no bueno when you’re feeling snacky! Thankfully, I had a carton of beans and still tons of basil in my summer garden. You can use this recipe as a rough guide. [...]

My Fitness Journey

My Fitness Journey

I have been active most of my life with my parents placing a tennis racket in my hand at age 5 and continuing that sport through high school. I was also a regular gym member, exercise machine user, and group exercise class participant through high school and college. After college, working full time and starting [...]