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Soul & Soreness Soothing: Yoga, Epsom Salts, Smoothie Bowls

Soul & Soreness Soothing: Yoga, Epsom Salts, Smoothie Bowls

I did a social and splurge shift between Thursday and Friday. I spent Thursday night indulging in ramen, and Friday I dared to participate in a yoga boot camp type workshop at Y2 Yoga. It was hard but many modifications were provided. Drenched is an understatement of how we all were at the end! I really enjoyed the [...]

Sleepy Eyed School Morning Smoothie

Sleepy Eyed School Morning Smoothie

Is anyone else finding it hard to get up and into the routine since school started? Smoothies are a great and efficient option for when you can barely butter the toast and the kids can barely pick it up and chew. Stick a straw into a tall glass of healthy sweet nutrients and the kids can keep [...]

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Welcome to my blog! My vision is to make this a place where you can access recipes, product recommendations, restaurant reviews, and more from the standpoint of an avid cook, healthy but gourmet food advocate, mother, wife, healthcare professional, and vegetarian. I want to help you feel good through food and help cooking be less daunting [...]

Charlotte Veggie