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Healthy Gourmet Super Bowl Eats For Various Diets

Healthy Gourmet Super Bowl Eats For Various Diets

We are all geared up here in Charlotte to cheer on the Carolina Panthers in the Super Bowl tomorrow! I thought I would compile a list of Charlotte Veggie recipes that are quick, gourmet, and game friendly to make your party menu plan easier:   Asparagus Fries and Smoky Red Pepper Hummus White Bean Pesto [...]

Fast & Furious Ranch Dressing ‘n Dip

Fast & Furious Ranch Dressing ‘n Dip

  There was a time when I had a 2 year old that had a picky palate only pacified by store bought ranch dressing. Oh how many foods he ate with the help of this popular American condiment. I tried to find the healthiest version that I could, either organic, lower in sodium, or with [...]

Spaghetti Squash Peperonata & Pearled Couscous Vegetable Pilaf

Spaghetti Squash Peperonata & Pearled Couscous Vegetable Pilaf

We all enjoyed both dishes but initially I made the spaghetti squash for the adults and the couscous for the kids. Although the recipes are very simple, they turned out unique and delicious. We ate up the rest of the stew too and it complemented both! First, I want to talk about spaghetti squash. Spaghetti squash can [...]

Charlotte Veggie