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Happy Thanksgiving & Fall Recipe Reminders :)

Happy Thanksgiving & Fall Recipe Reminders :)

Wishing everyone a safe & happy Thanksgiving! I am very thankful for this space which all of you make possible. Thank you so much for taking interest in what I do, the support, feedback, & questions. I will see you all on here in a few days as I spend time being mindful and putting [...]



Welcome to my blog! My vision is to make this a place where you can access recipes, product recommendations, restaurant reviews, and more from the standpoint of an avid cook, healthy but gourmet food advocate, mother, wife, healthcare professional, and vegetarian. I want to help you feel good through food and help cooking be less daunting [...]

Inside Out: What I Use For Skin & Hair Health + Homemade Deodorant

Inside Out: What I Use For Skin & Hair Health + Homemade Deodorant

Welcome to a post about some of my favorite, most used, natural, and affordable skin products. The skin is our largest organ and can truly reflect what is going on beneath. Here is a photo of me with no makeup and no filter. I share this to show that I’m a real person. I realized [...]

Charlotte Veggie