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Basil Pomodoro On Roasted Eggplant

Basil Pomodoro On Roasted Eggplant

(This versatile veggie contains manganese(bone and skin health), potassium, antioxidants, fiber, folate, and other B vitamins.)   I remember having a heavy dislike for eggplant when I was a child. Thankfully, it turns out that I just hadn’t had it the right way for me yet. Experiencing eggplant parmesan changed that. Because yes, what vegetable will [...]

Happy Thanksgiving & Fall Recipe Reminders :)

Happy Thanksgiving & Fall Recipe Reminders :)

Wishing everyone a safe & happy Thanksgiving! I am very thankful for this space which all of you make possible. Thank you so much for taking interest in what I do, the support, feedback, & questions. I will see you all on here in a few days as I spend time being mindful and putting [...]

Herbed Cauliflower Crust Pizza

Herbed Cauliflower Crust Pizza

It’s always a special blessing when you become good friends with someone in your own family. One of my husband’s cousins is married to an awesome woman who I am so glad to have as a friend. We relate on so many things, food of course included! We trade and recommend recipes and whenever she tries [...]

Charlotte Veggie