Charlotte Veggie


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Warm Moroccan Style Quinoa With Raw Zucchini Ribbon Salad

Warm Moroccan Style Quinoa With Raw Zucchini Ribbon Salad

We are loving the fall weather but sometimes it is hard to decide what to eat when temps have been wavering between 40s and 80s! I wanted something soft, spiced, and warming but also cold and crisp. That is how this dinner was born. While my quinoa cooked, I chopped up some vegetables and essentially made a curry. [...]

Season’s Eatings: Layered Ginger Mint Joy Bars

Season’s Eatings: Layered Ginger Mint Joy Bars

Happy holidays everyone! Let’s talk cookie bars. These sweet squares have all of my favorites wrapped into a decadence that you don’t have to feel too guilty about. Chocolate, pecans, coconut, marshmallows…yum. They can be made gluten free, dairy free, and can adapt to any number or types of toppings. Totally a special winter break breakfast, snack, [...]

Thanksgiving Edition: Thyme For Vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie

Thanksgiving Edition: Thyme For Vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie

Comfort in a big ole casserole. Herby, hearty, healthy, and more. A medley of colorful vegetables which I chose carefully to combine and they also cook at similar rates. I can’t stand biting into something that has varying spots of doneness. Do not be afraid to make these mashed potatoes and use real butter. A [...]