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3 Freeing Grilling Recipes for the 4th of July

3 Freeing Grilling Recipes for the 4th of July

As much as I would love to live in my kitchen full time, I value time with people more than cooking! Back in 2011, I made the resolution that I would really try to spend time with my guests rather than tying myself up to food prep while everyone else mingled. So below you will [...]

Thanksgiving Edition: Dijon Rubbed Garlicky Roasted Whole Cauliflower

Thanksgiving Edition: Dijon Rubbed Garlicky Roasted Whole Cauliflower

Feast your eyes and carve into this beauty. There is something grand and elegant about an entire head of cauliflower golden and speckled. Carving into it is fun too! The cauliflower absorbs the herbs, olive oil, and spices well making every bite delicious. Although it is baked for over an hour at high heat, it [...]

You Are My Sunshine Smoothie

You Are My Sunshine Smoothie

This smoothie works well as a treat when the little ones are tired of toast, English muffins, cereals, cut up fruit, yogurt, and nutrition bars and it’s pleasing to me as a mom sneaking in so many nutrients helping them start their day off strong! Full of vitamin C, A, iron, fiber, protein, omega-3, and [...]

Charlotte Veggie