Charlotte Veggie


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Wake Up & Workout Smoothie

Wake Up & Workout Smoothie

I’m aiming to quit regular coffee consumption. Again. There are a few reasons for this: It really doesn’t pep me up. More than anything, a hot drink in the morning is comforting. I like the taste of coffee very much but I like the warm cup even more. I feel wasteful. I rarely get through a cup. [...]

Stuffed Avocados With Chili Cashew Cream Inspired By Viva Chicken

Stuffed Avocados With Chili Cashew Cream Inspired By Viva Chicken

I bet you never expected to see the word chicken on this blog! And yes I cringe :). Viva Chicken Peruvian Rotisserie Joint is likely no place this vegetarian would have visited if it wasn’t for another vegetarian’s recommendation. I was pleasantly surprised at the options available for my dietary preference as well as the environmentally sound [...]

Slow Cooker: Thai Curry Vegetable Stew

Slow Cooker: Thai Curry Vegetable Stew

We have officially had a full week of gray, rainy days in Charlotte. I have to really, really push through the way that weighs me down. Even though the kitchen is my oasis and I love love love to cook, I drag when there’s no sunshine. Enter a slow cooker recipe that turned out so [...]