Charlotte Veggie


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Dessert Or Breakfast ANY Fruit(s) Crisp

Dessert Or Breakfast ANY Fruit(s) Crisp

Listen to this – never again will you have to cut butter into flour and all that mess to make a fruit crisp. This one is made of dreams because it is time saving, calorie saving, sugar saving, dairy free, and gluten free AND still tastes like a traditional version. This is my hands down [...]

Clean Party Eats: Spiralized Sesame Slaw Salad & Truffle Sweet Potatoes

Clean Party Eats: Spiralized Sesame Slaw Salad & Truffle Sweet Potatoes

Happy new year! Who said the partying can’t continue with your resolutions? Check out how I entertained with tofu caprese, chickpea salad in endive boats, spiralized sesame slaw salad, cheese and crackers, polenta cakes, and roasted truffle white sweet potatoes. I’m starting my 2016 off with reseting back to more planned and cleaner eating again. There is [...]

Simple One Spice Tortilla Soup

Simple One Spice Tortilla Soup

Just to vent and let you all know I’m human, this was my day and the tortilla soup was still doable!   6:30am-8:20am Get up, get ready, kids’ and my breakfast, packed up lunches & water bottles, put 1 child on the school bus (other felt sick) 9am-9:30am Drive second child who was feeling better [...]