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Taco Tuesday: 20 Minute Spinach Pinto Tacos With Avocado Lime Salsa

Taco Tuesday: 20 Minute Spinach Pinto Tacos With Avocado Lime Salsa

Preparing and eating various types of ethnic cuisine is a love of mine. Perhaps it is my automatic exclusion from animal products or my Indian background that has trained my palate to explore what others may regard as exotic flavors. Here is a quick Mexican meal where a little flair of lime and spice makes for [...]

Slow Cooker: Autumn Black Lentil Masala Soup

Slow Cooker: Autumn Black Lentil Masala Soup

The start of fall, officially today, commences the start of soup season for me! Savor this fix it and forget it slow cooker meal after a long day. It is plenty hearty on its own but don’t let me stop you from serving it with some crusty bread or over rice, couscous, or quinoa. French lentils, red [...]

Pesto Everything: Raw, Nut-free & With/Without Garlic

Pesto Everything: Raw, Nut-free & With/Without Garlic

Pesto is a fresh and flavorful combination of a leafy green (think herb, arugula, spinach, etc.) + some type of nut (pine nuts, walnuts) + olive oil + sharp aged cheese (like parmesan) + garlic that can serve as an Italian sauce or spread. My basil plant is the only thing in my garden that I happen to [...]

Charlotte Veggie