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Urgent Tomato Soup

Urgent Tomato Soup

Winter hit Charlotte these last couple of days with snow and ice. We just don’t have the equipment and means here to carry on so of course the town pretty much shut down. Tomato soup was in order after playing outside with the kids and feeling absolutely frozen! I created this recipe a year ago [...]

Low Labor Healthy Chocolate Cake For Every Occasion

Low Labor Healthy Chocolate Cake For Every Occasion

Happy Labor Day! No matter your role, profession, daily tasks, or accomplishments, today is a day that your diligence deserves reward! I have used this chocolate cake recipe many times but I really fell in love with it the last time. I had a couple of cousins in town unexpectedly one night after dinner and nothing [...]

Portland – The Green Elephant

Portland – The Green Elephant

Continuing the drive up the coast of Maine, we stopped in Portland for one night. We were all in the mood for Asian food and decided on a vegetarian Thai restaurant called The Green Elephant. We checked with several locals including our hotel staff, shop keepers, and Uber drive and they all gave it a [...]

Charlotte Veggie