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Where I Get Moving!

Where I Get Moving!

This post focuses on where I live but I hope that it will entice you to find similar activities local to you! Charlotte offers a plethora of ways to get active at any fitness level no matter your time or financial constraints, individually, in groups, with or without children. There are lush, shaded greenways, paved [...]

Thanksgiving Edition: Chimichurri Drizzled Sizzled Acorn Squash

Thanksgiving Edition: Chimichurri Drizzled Sizzled Acorn Squash

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The Best Homemade Veggie Burger Recipe

The Best Homemade Veggie Burger Recipe

Another Labor Day weekend is upon us and marks the end of most swimming pool seasons and the last of cookout get togethers. I’m always glad for a long weekend but never ready for summer to slip away! Let us be positive and reflect on how much gratitude we hold for the American work force and ethic. [...]

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Charlotte Veggie