Charlotte Veggie


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Pumpkin Ravioli~Mushroom Sage Cream

Pumpkin Ravioli~Mushroom Sage Cream

Tender pockets full of melt-in-your-mouth sweet, smoky, soft pumpkin coated with an aromatic cream. Every now and then, I create a recipe that even leaves me pleasantly surprised. With sheer determination and thought and no experience or research, this very autumn ravioli and decadent sauce turned out so well. It is certifiably a gourmet meal and [...]

Taco Tuesday: 20 Minute Spinach Pinto Tacos With Avocado Lime Salsa

Taco Tuesday: 20 Minute Spinach Pinto Tacos With Avocado Lime Salsa

Preparing and eating various types of ethnic cuisine is a love of mine. Perhaps it is my automatic exclusion from animal products or my Indian background that has trained my palate to explore what others may regard as exotic flavors. Here is a quick Mexican meal where a little flair of lime and spice makes for [...]

Low Labor Healthy Chocolate Cake For Every Occasion

Low Labor Healthy Chocolate Cake For Every Occasion

Happy Labor Day! No matter your role, profession, daily tasks, or accomplishments, today is a day that your diligence deserves reward! I have used this chocolate cake recipe many times but I really fell in love with it the last time. I had a couple of cousins in town unexpectedly one night after dinner and nothing [...]