Charlotte Veggie


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Carrot Cake Oatmeal

Carrot Cake Oatmeal

This recipe depicts the compromise between my husband’s love of carrot and coffee cakes and mine of oatmeal raisin cookies! Warming and with just the right touch of sweet and spice. Breakfast for guests or for the whole family all week long! The below recipe includes my modifications. Oh She Glows Heavenly Carrot Cake Baked Oatmeal Author: [...]

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Warm Moroccan Style Quinoa With Raw Zucchini Ribbon Salad

Warm Moroccan Style Quinoa With Raw Zucchini Ribbon Salad

We are loving the fall weather but sometimes it is hard to decide what to eat when temps have been wavering between 40s and 80s! I wanted something soft, spiced, and warming but also cold and crisp. That is how this dinner was born. While my quinoa cooked, I chopped up some vegetables and essentially made a curry. [...]

Caprese Salad: Counting My Basil, Not My Tomatoes

Caprese Salad: Counting My Basil, Not My Tomatoes

Having a garden has always been an exciting thought to me but the act of gardening has always appeared a puzzling chore to me. I mean, why is it so complex? If you bury a seed in the ground, why shouldn’t it sprout and then progress onward to a fruit or vegetable? How can something older than time, [...]