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Superfoods Smoothie

Superfoods Smoothie

I created this smoothie a day after I returned from travel and desperately needed to reinstate some health. It is clean and mild without any one strong flavor. Included are some of my favorite things that I consider to be superfoods. Greens: mix of baby kale, baby spinach, and baby swiss chard (folate, iron, calcium, vitamins) [...]

Back To School: Lunch Box Ideas

Back To School: Lunch Box Ideas

With private schools starting back up next week in Charlotte and public schools the week after, I’m starting to think of what I can pack for my children’s lunches! Thankfully, I took a few pictures of last year’s combinations to give me some ideas for when I’m feeling stumped. They are indeed all vegetarian but [...]

Celebrating USA: Spinach Basil Dip & Couscous Salad

Celebrating USA: Spinach Basil Dip & Couscous Salad

Happy Independence Day America! I am incredibly proud to be an American and so thankful for the freedom that was fought and sacrifed for by The BRAVE. That is a huge reason that my parents were able to make a life for us in the land of opportunity over 40 years ago. I was born in NYC [...]

Charlotte Veggie