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Pumpkin Spiced Cupcakes With Pumpkin Cream Cheese Frosting
September 24, 2015If you’ve been to Trader Joe’s lately, you have seen that they are all about everything pumpkin under the sun! Incorporating the aboveĀ 3 ingredients, I made the most amazing pumpkinlicious treat. Modifying a recipe I found, I created these moist, fluffy, decadent, but healthier homemade cupcakes. I omitted the chocolate chips, cut the sugar in [...]
Where I Get Moving!
August 1, 2015This post focuses on where I live but I hope that it will entice you to find similar activities local to you! Charlotte offers a plethora of ways to get active at any fitness level no matter your time or financial constraints, individually, in groups, with or without children. There are lush, shaded greenways, paved [...]
My Fitness Journey
July 22, 2015I have been active most of my life with my parents placing a tennis racket in my hand at age 5 and continuing that sport through high school. I was also a regular gym member, exercise machine user, and group exercise class participant through high school and college. After college, working full time and starting [...]