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You Are My Sunshine Smoothie
July 6, 2015This smoothie works well as a treat when the little ones are tired of toast, English muffins, cereals, cut up fruit, yogurt, and nutrition bars and it’s pleasing to me as a mom sneaking in so many nutrients helping them start their day off strong! Full of vitamin C, A, iron, fiber, protein, omega-3, and [...]
Piping Hot French Indie Lentil Soup
January 14, 2016The chill has officially set into Charlotte and soup season is well underway in my kitchen. To me, the W in winter means WARM me up. My Piping Hot French Indie Lentil Soup is a staple through this time of year. Lentils are a universal food found in African, European, Middle Eastern, Asian and other [...]
Thanksgiving Edition: Thyme For Vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie
November 23, 2015Comfort in a big ole casserole. Herby, hearty, healthy, and more. A medley of colorful vegetables which I chose carefully to combine and they also cook at similar rates. I can’t stand biting into something that has varying spots of doneness. Do not be afraid to make these mashed potatoes and use real butter. A [...]