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Back To School: Lunch Box Ideas

Back To School: Lunch Box Ideas

With private schools starting back up next week in Charlotte and public schools the week after, I’m starting to think of what I can pack for my children’s lunches! Thankfully, I took a few pictures of last year’s combinations to give me some ideas for when I’m feeling stumped. They are indeed all vegetarian but [...]

How Do You Like Them Apples?

How Do You Like Them Apples?

Oh so simple. Oh so good. I wanted a rich dessert but a week of rainy, gray days + sugar just make me feel sticky and lethargic. But I want it all: my temptation satisfied without feeling like a big ball of goo afterwards. This quick and easy recipe hit my sweet, tangy, juicy, crunchy cravings [...]

Pecan Pumpkin Honey Oat Squares

Pecan Pumpkin Honey Oat Squares

Happy Halloween since it’s technically after midnight! I hope everyone has fun plans lined up today and if you don’t celebrate, may you have a wonderful Saturday. I was recipe testing earlier tonight and wanted to have the kids wake up to a healthy but still a treat on Halloween morning. See this post for [...]

Charlotte Veggie