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May 12, 2015Piperi is a counter service setting but features a variety of Mediterranean cuisine. Everything is fresh and they proudly do not even have a freezer on site. They only use olive oil. They use humanely raised, antibiotic & hormone free chicken with no animal byproducts and it is their preference with the meat too but [...]
Cool & Creamy Chickpea Salad
August 3, 2015Happy 1st Monday of August! I posted about Where I Get Moving this past Saturday when the month started and encouragedĀ setting your personal intentions during this last full month of summer time. I think I have mentioned before that we usually “reset” around here with a dairy and gluten free meal at the start of [...]
Time Saving Restorative Slow Cooker Black Bean Chili
December 16, 2015We had a gorgeous 75 degrees sunny, Carolina blue sky day in Charlotte today. That alone begged me to get outside rather than spending time in my favorite place, the kitchen, But the reality is that it is December and a time of year during which more people than ever are sick, overwhelmingly busy, and [...]