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Warm Moroccan Style Quinoa With Raw Zucchini Ribbon Salad

Warm Moroccan Style Quinoa With Raw Zucchini Ribbon Salad

We are loving the fall weather but sometimes it is hard to decide what to eat when temps have been wavering between 40s and 80s! I wanted something soft, spiced, and warming but also cold and crisp. That is how this dinner was born. While my quinoa cooked, I chopped up some vegetables and essentially made a curry. [...]

Stuffed Avocados With Chili Cashew Cream Inspired By Viva Chicken

Stuffed Avocados With Chili Cashew Cream Inspired By Viva Chicken

I bet you never expected to see the word chicken on this blog! And yes I cringe :). Viva Chicken Peruvian Rotisserie Joint is likely no place this vegetarian would have visited if it wasn’t for another vegetarian’s recommendation. I was pleasantly surprised at the options available for my dietary preference as well as the environmentally sound [...]

Spiralized: Rosemary Speckled Squiggly Sweet Potato Fries

Spiralized: Rosemary Speckled Squiggly Sweet Potato Fries

After the great response to my post on spiralizing in Zucchini Spaghetti, I thought I would share another delightful recipe utilizing the same method. I really enjoy using my spiralizer  to make things that my children don’t normally like to eat. Believe it or not, the sweet potato fans in the family are pretty much my dog Bella [...]

Charlotte Veggie