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Slow Cooker: Thai Curry Vegetable Stew

Slow Cooker: Thai Curry Vegetable Stew

We have officially had a full week of gray, rainy days in Charlotte. I have to really, really push through the way that weighs me down. Even though the kitchen is my oasis and I love love love to cook, I drag when there’s no sunshine. Enter a slow cooker recipe that turned out so [...]

Bright & Balanced Banana-less Green Smoothie

Bright & Balanced Banana-less Green Smoothie

If you are not a green smoothie novice, want something less sweet, but still very palatable, look no further. This blend is refreshing and full of immune boosting vitamin C. It feels detoxing, fatigue fighting, and is just plain satisfying after travel or a major sweat session! Bright & Balanced Banana-less Green Smoothie Charlotte Veggie Original DF, GF [...]

Slow Cooker Chana Masala (Indian chickpea curry)

Slow Cooker Chana Masala (Indian chickpea curry)

I’ve been receiving requests for Indian food recipes and this one requires no culinary expertise. The gravy drowning the chickpeas is light but full of spices making a totally mouthwatering experience. On a day that I was scheduled to work at the hospital and knew it was going to be a long day, I developed this recipe. [...]

Charlotte Veggie