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Reseting Post-Thanksgiving: Mason Jar Salads & Come Meet Me!

Reseting Post-Thanksgiving: Mason Jar Salads & Come Meet Me!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! What made ours even warmer was the gorgeous weather in Charlotte. It felt like spring time! This was a very special Thanksgiving because my parents and sister and her family all relocated to Charlotte earlier this year. We had a great potluck spread and my sister hosted. [...]

You Are My Sunshine Smoothie

You Are My Sunshine Smoothie

This smoothie works well as a treat when the little ones are tired of toast, English muffins, cereals, cut up fruit, yogurt, and nutrition bars and it’s pleasing to me as a mom sneaking in so many nutrients helping them start their day off strong! Full of vitamin C, A, iron, fiber, protein, omega-3, and [...]

Thanksgiving Edition: Chimichurri Drizzled Sizzled Acorn Squash

Thanksgiving Edition: Chimichurri Drizzled Sizzled Acorn Squash

Thanksgiving is only about 10 days away! I plan on giving you ideas for healthy, tasty, plant based options to keep your tastebuds happy, keep the infammation down, your waistline slimmer, energy level more stable, and satisfy both vegetarian non-veg guests alike. Whether you call these fries or wedges or use them in as your next taco [...]

Charlotte Veggie