Charlotte Veggie


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Celebrating USA: Spinach Basil Dip & Couscous Salad

Celebrating USA: Spinach Basil Dip & Couscous Salad

Happy Independence Day America! I am incredibly proud to be an American and so thankful for the freedom that was fought and sacrifed for by The BRAVE. That is a huge reason that my parents were able to make a life for us in the land of opportunity over 40 years ago. I was born in NYC [...]

The Best Homemade Veggie Burger Recipe

The Best Homemade Veggie Burger Recipe

Another Labor Day weekend is upon us and marks the end of most swimming pool seasons and the last of cookout get togethers. I’m always glad for a long weekend but never ready for summer to slip away! Let us be positive and reflect on how much gratitude we hold for the American work force and ethic. [...]

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Apple Pie Oats With Maple Walnuts

Apple Pie Oats With Maple Walnuts

The key to a good, palatable bowl of oatmeal is retaining some of the original oat texture and preventing the transformation to mush. I use rolled oats (not quick oats) because I can better control that process and they still cook really fast. You can certainly make this recipe with quick oats or steel cut oats [...]