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Simple One Spice Tortilla Soup

Simple One Spice Tortilla Soup

Just to vent and let you all know I’m human, this was my day and the tortilla soup was still doable!   6:30am-8:20am Get up, get ready, kids’ and my breakfast, packed up lunches & water bottles, put 1 child on the school bus (other felt sick) 9am-9:30am Drive second child who was feeling better [...]

Urgent Tomato Soup

Urgent Tomato Soup

Winter hit Charlotte these last couple of days with snow and ice. We just don’t have the equipment and means here to carry on so of course the town pretty much shut down. Tomato soup was in order after playing outside with the kids and feeling absolutely frozen! I created this recipe a year ago [...]

3 Freeing Grilling Recipes for the 4th of July

3 Freeing Grilling Recipes for the 4th of July

As much as I would love to live in my kitchen full time, I value time with people more than cooking! Back in 2011, I made the resolution that I would really try to spend time with my guests rather than tying myself up to food prep while everyone else mingled. So below you will [...]

Charlotte Veggie