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Autumn Pasta: Delicata Squash With Butternut Sauce

Autumn Pasta: Delicata Squash With Butternut Sauce

I always say that last minute plans can end up being the best plans. Every now and then an out of town friend is passing through or you run into someone at the store or your neighbor walks down and you end up having the best time. The same can be true of meals. Those nights [...]

Simple Asian Dinner: Crusted Tofu, Fresh Spring Rolls, Citrus Nut Chutney

Simple Asian Dinner: Crusted Tofu, Fresh Spring Rolls, Citrus Nut Chutney

This is a mega post showing you a complete meal with Asian flair. We all really enjoyed this light dinner yesteray on a beautiful, sunny day in Charlotte. Fall and Spring really are the best here.  Lately it feels like sun and rain are alternating everyday! I made a baked, breaded tofu with the easiest batter, [...]

Comfort After Chaos: Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Oregano Olio

Comfort After Chaos: Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Oregano Olio

Well hello there everyone and happy spring! I know I am returning after a long hiatus. Thank you for continuing to visit the site and to those of you who regularly reached out to ask when the next post will be! I’m not gonna lie; the last couple of months have been a tough road [...]

Charlotte Veggie