Charlotte Veggie


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Brunch At Fern, Flavors From The Garden

Brunch At Fern, Flavors From The Garden

This month marks 10 years since I moved to Charlotte. I love it here more and more with each passing year. I am always exploring what is new, continuing my patronage at my favorite places, and really, expansion of all kinds has taken place over the last decade. I try not to think of the [...]

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Festive Savory Holiday Tart Featured on FOX & You Have To Laugh At Yourself

Festive Savory Holiday Tart Featured on FOX & You Have To Laugh At Yourself

This has been a fun and fulfilling food week! Yesterday, I had to plan, shop for, and make a holiday themed dish for Fox’s Good Day Charlotte show as well the event I mention towards the end of this post. They have a segment called “What’s Your Dish?” and it requires bringing in all of [...]

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Breakfast & Green Juice In Bar Harbor

Breakfast & Green Juice In Bar Harbor

We passed this adorable restaurant while strolling through Bar Harbor. A heavy, healthy breakfast was important before another long day of hiking in Acadia National Park! Our favorite hike was around Jordan Pond. Side note: Go to Maine. Go to Acadia. Magnificient. The menu at Jeannie’s Great Maine Breakfast was diverse and suitable for various [...]