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Happy Thanksgiving & Fall Recipe Reminders :)

Happy Thanksgiving & Fall Recipe Reminders :)

Wishing everyone a safe & happy Thanksgiving! I am very thankful for this space which all of you make possible. Thank you so much for taking interest in what I do, the support, feedback, & questions. I will see you all on here in a few days as I spend time being mindful and putting [...]

Happy 1 week! About My Creative Team

Happy 1 week! About My Creative Team

Tonight marks 1 week since the launch of Charlotte Veggie! I am overwhelmed by the positive response and I can already tell that all of you will be energizing and evolving this site. I thank you dearly. I also want to give an enormous shout-out to my Creative Team in this post. These people were instrumental [...]

Low Labor Healthy Chocolate Cake For Every Occasion

Low Labor Healthy Chocolate Cake For Every Occasion

Happy Labor Day! No matter your role, profession, daily tasks, or accomplishments, today is a day that your diligence deserves reward! I have used this chocolate cake recipe many times but I really fell in love with it the last time. I had a couple of cousins in town unexpectedly one night after dinner and nothing [...]

Charlotte Veggie