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Low Labor Healthy Chocolate Cake For Every Occasion

Low Labor Healthy Chocolate Cake For Every Occasion

Happy Labor Day! No matter your role, profession, daily tasks, or accomplishments, today is a day that your diligence deserves reward! I have used this chocolate cake recipe many times but I really fell in love with it the last time. I had a couple of cousins in town unexpectedly one night after dinner and nothing [...]

6 Month Anniversary & Best of 2015

6 Month Anniversary & Best of 2015

With today being the last day of 2015 and yesterday marking the 6 month anniversary of launching Charlotte Veggie, I want to say THANK YOU for reading and supporting. Like most big projects that we approach with a lot of drive and determination, there is often at least a small element of surprise in just how immense [...]

Caprese Salad: Counting My Basil, Not My Tomatoes

Caprese Salad: Counting My Basil, Not My Tomatoes

Having a garden has always been an exciting thought to me but the act of gardening has always appeared a puzzling chore to me. I mean, why is it so complex? If you bury a seed in the ground, why shouldn’t it sprout and then progress onward to a fruit or vegetable? How can something older than time, [...]

Charlotte Veggie